The visual inspection of a building or structure is one of the first steps of an investigation. Before we deploy our Rope Access Inspection Team, a desktop study to obtain schematics or a drop plan of the building will be produced.

A desktop study will enable the survey to be effectively planned in advance. When a survey is undertaken, we use a standard system for recording and measuring of the concrete defects.

A Visual inspection is one of the most versatile and powerful tools to evaluate the condition of a concrete structure. A hands on or tactile inspection using Our Rope Access Team can provide detailed information that may lead to positively identify the cause of defects.

Its effectiveness depends on the knowledge and experience of the inspection team and knowledge of structural design, concrete technology, and likely construction methods.

Using Our Rope Access Team will help the findings obtained from the visual survey of the concrete structure to be fully appreciated, whether it is Inspection of a High Rise or Multi Storey Car Park Survey.

Other than obviously an experienced eye, a camera and notebook are required to record defect type and size. A detailed survey should record every defect seen on the concrete surface.
The aim of the visual survey is to determine how extensive the defects are and the likely cause of defects.

A visual survey is normally only one part of a full concrete condition survey. Testing is undertaken to confirm the cause of patent deterioration and investigate evidence for latent defects.